
Facultad de Economía y Empresa


 Degree in Economics
1.- Objectives and admission profile
2.- Curriculum
4.- Mobility
5.- Internships
1. Objectives and admission profile
The main objective of the Degree in Economics is to train professionals able to manage, counsel and evaluate any kind of economic activity.
Graduate students will be able to develop their professional activity in any relevant institution related to economic and social issues, because they will have acquired analytical competences in order to know the process of making economic decisions and their consequences in both, the public and private sector. Therefore, they will know the different alternatives to assign resources and their implications in economic efficiency, at the same time that they contribute to the efficient economic behaviour of private companies and public entities. They will also be able to identify and anticipate problems in a particular situation, discuss the alternatives for their resolution and evaluate the results.
The profile of the students of the Degree in Economics is usually very different, although it is advisable to have certain skills like:
- Interest to know the economic reality in general and the social and political problems of our environment.
- Critical thinking.
- Skills to manage and interpret quantitative information.
- Ability for oral and written communication.
- Proper management of computer tools.
- Willingness to learn languages, especially English.
2.  Curriculum

The Degree in Economics lasts four years. The minimum number of credits required to earn the Degree is 240 ECTS credits distributed as follows:


Type of subject
        ECTS credits
Basic Core
Final Degree Project


The student must choose 54 credits of elective subjects of the following table and complete the 6 credits of the Final Degree Project:
3. English Itinerary
The Degree in Economics of the University of Oviedo offers the possibility of undertaking the first year fully in English. Classes in English will be available in the mornings.
To access the English itinerary, candidates must score a minimum of 7 points in the English Language Test of the University Entrance Examination (PAU). Those applicants who do not meet this requirement must certify a B1 level of English.
Furthermore, other students may also choose some subjects of the itinerary in English, even if they do not mean to complete it. In this case, if the demand exceeds the number of vacancies, preference will be given to students willing to take the full itinerary and they will be selected according to the final grade obtained in PAU.
Taking subjects in English means that students get 0,3 ECTS for every 6 ECTS credits completed in English and they will be highly considered in the selection process for the Erasmus grants, aimed at stays at European universities (English).
If students complete a minimum of 120 ECTS credits in subjects taught in English, either through subjects offered by the University of Oviedo, or through stays at foreign universities that have an agreement with the University of Oviedo, they will be granted the Certificate of Bilingual Itinerary in the Degree in Economics, which will be attached to the European Diploma Supplement. In the total 120 credits, students may also include Erasmus internships and the Final Degree Project. The School of Economics and Business cannot guarantee that this option is available in the Degree without completing a course at a foreign university.
In any case, those students who take some subjects in English, but do not complete the full itinerary (120 ECTS), will have their credits, internships in a foreign country or academic mobility, recognized in the European Diploma Supplement.
 4. Mobility
Mobility in and out the Spanish territory is essential for every university student, and it is particularly relevant when considering the objectives of the Degree.
Mobility programmes allow students of the University of Oviedo to complete part of their studies at a different university with academic recognition guaranteed.
The School of Economics and Business is taking part in the SÓCRATES-ERASMUS programme of the European Union and the SICUE-SÉNECA programme of Spain, aimed at promoting student mobility in the European Union and Spain respectively.
In addition, the University of Oviedo has signed cooperation agreements with non EU universities, with the purpose of exchanging students, and which are usually open to different Degrees.
Through the SÓCRATES-ERASMUS programme, the School of Economics and Business has signed collaboration agreements with more than 60 universities of 17 European countries, which allow students to complete their studies in five different languages (English, French, Italian, German and Portuguese).
Through the SICUE-SÉNECA programme, students from the School of Economics and Business may complete an academic year at any of the Spanish universities with an agreement.
 More information at  http://econo.uniovi.es/movilidad
6. Internships
Internships are based on the development of work activities that give students the possibility to complete their academic training acquiring certain competences related to professional experience through internships in companies or institutions that have signed an Educational Cooperation Agreement with the University of Oviedo. The main objective, in accordance to article 11 of the External Regulation Practices of the University of Oviedo (BOPA February, 25, 2009), will be to allow students to apply practical knowledge acquired in their academic training providing them with the proper skills to develop their professional careers and facilitating their incorporation into the labour market.
The Degree in Economics offers internships in companies in the fourth year. These internships are considered an elective subject-12 credits and they imply 240 hours of work at those companies.
Among the companies who host internship students we may find the most important companies in the region.

More information at http://econo.uniovi.es/practicasempresas