
Facultad de Economía y Empresa

Internship for undergraduate students

Internships for undergraduate students of the School of Economics and Business are regulated by the "Reglamento de Prácticas Externas de la Universidad de Oviedo (BOPA de 31 de octubre de 2014)" and the syllabus. Internships are conducted in companies and agencies which have an official agreement of cooperation signed with the University of Oviedo.

Practical work experience can include:

1. Curricular Activities

These are ones in which the student is enrolled and hence are evaluated, like any other subject, and will appear as a mark on the student's final academic record presented on completion of the course.

- In the Accounting and Finance degree, the internship is compulsory with a value of 9 credits ECTS (225 hours), of which 175 (80%) must be spent in the external institution and the remaining 20% correspond to tutorials (5 hours) and independent work carried out by the student (45 hours).

- In the degree courses of Business Administration and Management, Economics and Labour Relations and Human Resources, internship is an optional subject and has a value of 12 credits ECTS (300 hours): 80 % (240 hours) must be spent in the external institution and 20% (60 hours) independent work carried out by the student in the writing of his final report.

2. Extracurricular Activities

These internships are not evaluated and do not appear on the student's final academic record. This internship can be done in all the courses for which the student is enrolled, up to a limit of 600 hours on-site per academic course. In the same way as for the curricular option, there is an agreement of cooperation with the relative company and an official Training Academic Project.

Students can apply for internships, both curricular and extracurricular, on the intranet. Alternatively, the student can look for a company which agrees to offer this work practice and, through an agreement with the University, do the internship in the same way as with those we offer.

Rules and regulations for internships

To apply for an internship the following requirements are necessary:

     - To be enrolled in degree courses leading to Business Administration and Management (ADE), Economics, Accounting and Finance or Labour Relations and Human Resources.
     - Students in Accounting and Finance or Labour Relations and Human Resources must have already obtained 50 per cent of the credits necessary for the corresponding degree.

Once a student has been accepted and assigned to a particular company to do the internship, he/she should fill out and sign all the documentation, with all the relevant information related to the internship to be carried out. This will be provided by the 'Gestión de Prácticas' office in the School of Economics and Business.

A student who accepts an offer from a company must fulfill the total number of hours. Otherwise the internship will be deemed as not completed and will figure in the subject as 'NOT presented'.

On the first day of the internship the student will give his/her in-company tutor all the original Training Academic Project documents, signed by the student and his college tutor, relating to the project to be signed. The in-company tutor will retain one copy, while another will be for the student, and the rest will be for the School. If the student should have any problems in the placement once it has started the School should be informed immediately. If necessary he will be reassigned to a different company.

The student must submit a Final Report, including an evaluation questionnaire, no later than five days after the end of the practice period. The company must also fill in an evaluation report, Informe de Valoración, about the internship carried out by the student, which will be include for evaluation with the other relevant documentation. The report should also be uploaded on the e-Campus where the questionnaire should be filled out. The School will include the mark obtained to the students academic record in the next evaluation following the practical period. Students should remember that internship is an annual subject.

Enrollment and Assignment of External Work Experience and its Inclusion in the academic record of the student

These are the three paths:

Path 1.- Application for the internship within the enrollment period and assignment during the academic year. This path allows for the intenship to be carried out during the course (up to August, 31). The assessment will appear on his academic record in the second term as it is an annual event.

Path 2.- Application for the internship within the academic year. Students who want to complete the internship, but have not applied within the enrollment period, can apply during the course when the company has informed the administrative section of the School the that the student has been accepted. The Training Academic Project should be signed at a later date, in the same administrative section, giving the details of the conditions for the nternship. All the required documentation will be provided for enrollment in the three days following the signing of the Training Academic Project. The assessment will appear on his academic record in the second term as it is an annual event.

Path 3.- Assignment of internship in the current academic course and registration in the following one. This path is allowed for by the 'Resolución de 23 de abril de 2013', and by the Regulations governing internships. It is for students who have been assigned places by the School and begin the internship outside the registration period and carried out during two academic years. The enrollment can be done in the following course and the assessment will be included in the academic record of that year.

Related documents and links