
Facultad de Economía y Empresa

Welcome from the Dean

As Dean of the School of Economics and Business at the University of Oviedo, I would like to welcome and introduce you to our school, a place you might already be part of and which I hope you will remember fondly and with pride, when your time here is over.

There is strength in union and the current school is the result of the merger of several centres, some over a hundred years old, making us one of the great schools of our University: in numbers of students, teachers and degree courses, in professional opportunities, international agreements, services and relationships with companies and other organisations. More than 230 faculty members in four degree areas (Business Administration and Management, Economics, Accounting and Finance and Labour Relations and Human Resources); a dual degree (Business Administration & Management and Law) and three Master courses (Business Administration and Management, Information Systems and Accounting Analysis, Instruments for Economic Analysis).

In all these years we have provided bilingual degrees, going out into the world and allowing the world to enter into our classrooms, something which we will continue to do.We bring Europe within the reach of our students with the Erasmus programme; Spain, with SICUE (Spain’s own university exchange programme); New Zealand, USA, Canada, Argentina, Chile and Mexico among others through bilateral agreements.Thus, we help to make the process as seamless as possible and the experience a fruitful one while adding a positive differential element to your CV.

Our School of Economics and Business cannot be an island cut off from the business framework whose future professionals it is helping to prepare. Practical work experience is also an essential part of the curriculum for our students, giving them the opportunity to experience, as students, a profession which they are soon to enter. The School seeks and is very grateful for, the invaluable cooperation of so many companies, both large and small, located in our region, which open their doors to our students and involve themselves in their training. 

The four hundred year old University of Oviedo is an institution called to have a social presence and we play an important role in that. Being part of this university, we cannot, nor do we want to be, disconnected from society so we are present at seminars, meetings, forums, conferences, round tables and other special events.

Last but not least, I would like to invite you to browse our website and to see what the School of Economics and Business can offer you. You will undoubtedly find answers to many of your questions. However, if that is not the case, or if you have any suggestions, queries or wish to give us your opinion on something, do not hesitate to write to us or visit the Dean’s department, our offices, administration department where you will find us willing to help.

Your university years are very important. You can begin to be now the person you want to be hereafter. All of us are grateful to you for choosing us to help you build your future.

Carmen Benavides González, Dean