
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

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Bibliographic manager to organize references, notes and to generate bibliographies and quotes. It also captures Internet bibliographic data and...

Bibliographic manager for Mac users with import and automatic bibliographic generation functions.

On-line bibliographic generator supporting MLA and APA styles.

EndNote and EndNote Web

EndNote is one of the most popular bibliographic managers whose software is used by the Web of Knowledge (WOK) portal. It is free on this platform...


Mendeley es un sistema de gestión de referencias bibliográficas, que permite organizar tanto la información bibliográfica, como adjuntar los...

Refbase allows creating bibliographic databases, importing, exporting and sharing records. Quotes may be directly imported from some databases...

It is distributed by CSA and recommended by Scopus. RefWorks is bibliography management software via Web. No installation is required. Information...

Free and interactive tool to generate quotes with MLA and APA styles. Chicago and Turabian

Zotero, Mozilla Firefox free bibliographic manager

It is directed to students and researchers who want to save, store, retrieve and generate quotes, lists and document bibliographies. PC software...