
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

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Por una biblioteca sostenible

La Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo se preocupa por el medio ambiente.

The Library of the University of Oviedo promotes the adoption of a set of measures to encourage sustainability and environmental good practices.


  • We will turn the necessary lights on depending strictly on the external lighting level.
  • If possible, traditional light bulbs will be substituted by low consumption bulbs.
  • We will make our best to turn off lights in less busy areas (passages, deposits, toilets, etc.).
  • Separated switches will be installed for different lighting groups.

Computers and electronic devices

  • Any power consumption device will be switched off at the end of the day. 
  • Computers which are not meant to be used for the following half an hour will be switched off or left in suspended mode.
  • Users’ computers will be switched on depending on Library influx.
  •  Ink save mode will be activated in printers if allowed.


  • We will try to reuse paper, envelopes or carton boxes. 
  • Paper which can’t be reused will be placed into ecological baskets for such purpose.
  • When printing and whenever possible, we will reduce margins, space between lines and letter font and we will photocopy and print using the duplex option.
  • E-mail should be preferably used rather than ordinary mail. 


  • We will try to make use of just the necessary cold water mainly.
  • If possible, traditional taps will be substituted by single lever tap.


  • Libraries provided with thermostat devices shall keep an average temperature between 22º and 25º. 

Waste management

  • Contaminating waste (batteries, toner, etc.) should be placed at the corresponding places.

Download brochure on sustainability and evironmental good practices.