
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

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The University of Oviedo keeps in its Repository of Theses all the original copies of the PhD Theses defended in the institution since 1986. Previous to this date, the custody, archiving and localization of these Theses depends on their respective departments.

Furthermore, all the Theses that have been published as a book or a CD, apart from being located in said repository, may also be found in the General Catalog of the Library.

Finally, a large number of the Theses defended at the University of Oviedo (their bibliographical information, the digitized Theses themselves, and other information) may also be found in the specialized databases and national repositories (check "Theses defended at other Spanish universities").

Published PhD Theses (General Papyrus Catalog) Published PhD Theses (General Papyrus Catalog)

PhD Theses that have been published as a book or CD and which can be found through the General Catalog of the Library.

Cómo localizar las tesis leídas en la Universidad de Oviedo

PhD Theses defended after 1986. They can be consulted in a digital format (if they have been digitized and have been granted free access) through the Institutional Repository of the University (RUO), or their original copies can be checked in person by going to the Repository of Theses located at the Adquisitions Section, following the due procedure.