
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

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International portals, repositories and databases that offer access to PhD Theses defended at foreign universities.

Proquest Dissertation Abstracts

Important database from the United States and Canada that contains information of PhD Theses defended at universities of these countries, and other Thesis, mainly from English-speaking countries. It has two sections, PDQT Open, with free access to full-text Theses and information about the Theses hosted that can be purchased in reproductions.

OATD - Open Access Theses and Dissertations

Recurso para encontrar tesis en abierto y disertaciones publicadas en todo el mundo, con más de 3,5 millones de documentos. Los metadatos provienen de más de 1.100 universidades e instituciones de investigación, donde se aloja el texto completo de los documentos originarios.


Portal of catalogs of Theses from different parts of the world with more than one million PhD Theses registered. It applies tools from search engines like Scirus to its database.

DART-Europe E-theses Portal

Website created by the Consortium of European Research Libraries (LIBER) and promoted by the NDTLD in order to offer a single interface to check PhD Theses defended at different European universities.