
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

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logotipo C17  Collective catalogue which comprises periodically published collections about Sciences of Health from 530 Spanish libraries. It is nowadays one of the main reference catalogues for Sciences of Health. Libraries are located at Public and Private Hospitals, Universities, Research Centres, Health Regional Ministries and Pharmaceutical laboratories.

logotipo CCPB  Collective catalogue of Spanish Bibliographic Heritage. It includes a description of all works printed from 15th to 20th centuries located at Spanish public and private libraries. University of Oviedo’s contribution is done through the Public Library of Asturias pursuant to different agreements with the Ministry of Culture.  

 logotipo Dialnet The electronic library offers documentary services and information alerts based on index databases, summaries and full texts from scientific journals mainly and from doctoral theses to a lesser extend published in Spain and Latin America.

logotipo G9 Universidades The regional public university association promotes collaboration in research and teaching issues as well as management and services. Students from these nine universities may use any university library as any other.

 logotipo Rebiun REBIUN, a University Library Network included in CRUE and formed by all Spanish university and scientific libraries. BUO takes part in generating the collective catalogue and in different cooperation programmes promoted by the network.

logotipo Redined   The educational information database network includes references to teaching and pedagogic innovation and research resources and education journals available at Spanish libraries.

logotipo RIARIA is the Institutional Repository of Asturias created to open access digital documentation housing and management. RIA collects, files away and spreads scientific production mainly produced by the University of Oviedo and the Government of the Principality of Asturias. 

logotipo TDR Server of full text doctoral theses presented at the participating universities which allows for their electronic publication and query and encourages the spreading to materials generated during the university research activities.