
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

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Además de los centros repartidos por los Campus, la Biblioteca está formada por diversas unidades que aseguran su funcionamiento.

Datos de contacto de nuestras secciones y servicios en un único documento descargable: Unidades BUO: secciones y servicios.

Bibliographic Information Service

portaleswebuniovi.direccion: C/ San Francisco, 1 33003 Oviedo (Spain)
Teléfono: 985104056
Horario: From Monday to Friday, from 9 to 14 hours. Monday and Wednesday: from 17 to 19 hours. (It may vary due to Service needs).
Descripción: The Bibliographic Information Services provides customized, assisting or remote guidance on the use of bibliographic and information resources. Likewise, it gives advice in relation to information search and location both at the University Library and at libraries from other institutions. The Bibliographic Information Service also coordinates the inter-library loan management of the University and it is responsible for planning and organizing user's training.