
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

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Nuestras bibliotecas

En cada Campus hay al menos un centro que se ocupa de proporcionar los servicios bibliotecarios a su entorno. La distribución es la siguiente: 11 bibliotecas en Oviedo, repartidas en cuatro campus, 2 bibliotecas en Gijón y 1 biblioteca en Mieres, localidad donde se halla también la Biblioteca de Depósito de la Universidad.


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Technology and Business Library

portaleswebuniovi.direccion: Campus of Gijón, north classroom building. Avenida del Jardín Botánico, s/n 33203 Gijón (Spain)
Teléfono: 985182328
Horario: From Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 20:30 hours. ; Saturdays (just reading) form 9 to 13:45 hours.
Imagen de la biblioteca
Descripción: It is located at the north classroom building and it also has a reading room at the Polyvalent Building. This library gives services to the Polytechnic School of Engineering and to Higher School of Civil Navy. It includes more than 20,000 monographs and more than 200 periodicals titles and final degree projects. It must be mentioned the collection of UNE standards which compiles Spain's applicable industrial regulations. There is a complete collection of printed standards from year 2000, and from that date the subscription can be accessed through the University network.