
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

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Juridical sciences. Internet and tools for Spanish researchers. Introduction

Descripción: This course presents the most important tools for researches who develop their works in Spanish and who publish in Spanish journals. Besides, the scientific assessments of Spanish publications will be reviewed. Finally, we will teach how to do Google specialized search and use Web 2.0 to share information efficiently.
portaleswebuniovi.temario: Introduction to BUO electronic journals. SFX. Scopus Help: Electronic journals Spanish databases: Dialnet, Compludoc, Summaris and CSIC databases Repositories. The case of Recolecta Recolecta. Recolector de Ciencia Abierta. RECOLECTA (Recolector de ciencia abierta) portal is a joint initiative of University library network (REBIUN) and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECyT) which is mainly directed to promote open access publication of research works developed by different Spanish academic institutions and to enable its use and spreading while providing tools for the development of such contents in open access. Scientific assessments and impact indexes: JCR, RESH, DICE, Latindex and ERIH. Help: Impact indexes and tutorial on scientific papers' assessment. Documentation generated by BUO for researchers' guidance on indexed scientific journals' assessment criteria. Google specialized search: Commands, Scholar-Academic. Help: Google quick guide for university students To store and share information. Web2.0 Introduction of bibliographic managers. Help. Bibliographic help. Managers and bibliographic quotes
portaleswebuniovi.condiciones: Length of course 4 hours Place and timetable: Faculty of Law. Computing room. Faculty of Law 4th February, 2010, from 10 hours to 14 hours.
portaleswebuniovi.profesores: Autoformación
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