
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

Help to search

Advanced Google course

Descripción: Google offers us many free tools to enable us improve the performance of our works when using Internet and use our hardware resources. This course states which they are and how to use them. It is a practical course up to 8 people simultaneously. In order to take part in it, please contact the Bibliographic Information Service either for personal or group courses of 5 to 8 people in case of having contacted them (15 hours).
portaleswebuniovi.temario: Differences between Google.es, Google.com and Google in other languages. How important is to sign in to Google and its services To share and store documents. To work in groups and to take part using Google tools To create blogs to spread out activity: Blogger Google Scholar and Academic Google. Quick search and preferences Google Books. To create our own library and share it. Google search basic tricks. Google commands to delimit search. Google search options Search customization: Wikisearch, Web search history To create customized search tools To user other Google applications as search tools: IP addresses, distances, videos, images Google Reader for the latest news Google Desktop for searching our PC Picassa for image organization, search, treatment and tagging. Google Chrome for net surfing My Google page: IGoogle
portaleswebuniovi.condiciones: Para participar en él hay que ponerse en contacto con el Servicio de Información Bibliográfica. La solicitud podrá realizarse de manera individual o colectiva -acordando previamente con otro/as compañeros/as la creación del grupo.

Características del grupo: el número de personas que formarán el grupo nunca será inferior a 5 ni superior a 8.

La duración será de 15 horas.
portaleswebuniovi.profesores: Información en: biblio@uniovi.es
Personal or group training application