
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

Help to search

Advanced course on information search

Descripción: This course teaches how to use advanced Google search tools, to generate of customized search tools and to consult specialized catalogues and generic scientific portals.
portaleswebuniovi.temario: Google advanced search. All Google commands for efficient search. Google search options. Google preferences To do customized search and integrate them in our web page Search on web2.0. Delicio.us, Twitter, Connotea, CiteUlike, 2Collab... as information sources What Google does not find, it is found by other search tools and resources. News list, Forum, Portals and specialized databases. Other alternatives: Wolfram and visual meta-search. To search for what it is not already available on the net: Internet archive. Google cache Image search Audio-visual search
portaleswebuniovi.profesores: Información en: biblio@uniovi.es
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