
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo

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Emilio Alarcos Llorach Humanities Library

portaleswebuniovi.direccion: Campus of Humanities 33011 Oviedo (Spain)
Teléfono: 985104949-985104945-985104354-985104388
Fax: 985 10 47 65
Horario: From Monday to Friday, from 8.30 to 21 hours.
Imagen de la biblioteca
Descripción: The Humanities Library is located at a four-floor building. It includes three reading rooms and free access to collections, newspaper and periodicals library, Arab-Islamic studies room, user's training room, researchers' room, a reference section and an auditorium. Its collection is specialized in philosophy, linguistics, philology, geography, history, art and music. Alberto Cardin collection is remarkable, especially rich in anthropology and social sciences matters, as well as Augusto Monterroso's and the Arab-Islamic collection mentioned before.