
Facultad de Economía y Empresa


Dear student,

welcome to the Facultad de Economía y Empresa (FEE) of the Universidad de Oviedo. 

The FEE is located in the western area of the CAMPUS DE EL CRISTO, near to the Facultad de Derecho (School of Law). It is the result of the integration of three old Schools (Social Studies, Commerce, and Economics&Business) to face the challenge of the ESHE.

The tradition in our studies goes far than a century, although the history of the Universidad de Oviedo goes over four hundred years. The studies of a few courses of Economics were a reality before the beginning of specialised studies. In fact, the author of the first published Course of Economics in Spanish language (London, 1828) was Álvaro Florez Estrada, graduated in the Universidad de Oviedo.

It is possible to choose between four different studies:

≈Administración y Dirección de Empresas / Business

≈Contabilidad y Finanzas / Accounting and Finance

≈Economía / Economics

≈Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos / Labour Relations and Human Resources

The buidings of the School include classrooms, library, professor offices, administrative area, and services, such as parking, bus stop and cafeteria.

But, the most important, we have demonstrated our quality level, both trough the international rankings (positioned between the 300 and 400 top Schools of Business) and by our progress into AACSB accreditation process. The school is in the last step in order to entry AACSB after passing the three previous steps. 


Useful Information For Incoming Students